by Kerry Taylor
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by Colin Aina
In case you were curious of what that picture was from Part 1, that's a lateral MRI image of my lumber spine and sacrum (tailbone) from July.
by Sean St. Onge
Hey all, here are 3 core drills that will (make you hate life) challenge you.
Sorry, just a little subliminal messaging in the title heading to all of you folks that are reading this. I have recently been watching reruns of Weekend Update with Kevin Nealon, a comedian who had knack for hiding not-so-subliminal messages with often not-so-bluntness. Here is a small taste.
1. Bear Crawl on Sideboard
This drill I can not express enough- IF DONE PROPERLY THIS WILL TORCH YOUR ABDOMEN. Also, this drill when performed properly should NOT hinder your lower back as it should be flush to the floor. Do your best to not allow your lower spine to leave the floor at any point in this drill especially when moving the ball from your shins to transfer to hands and back past your head.
Think of this as a Dead Bug drill with “overhead” reach. Also note: You do NOT need to touch the floor with the ball.
Start with the ball resting on your shins, slowly sit up keeping your lower back on the ground reach and take the ball, maintaining the lower spine on the floor the entirety of the drill. Slowly bring the ball with arms straight back and overhead, like a pullover. When coming back, tighten up your everything from your stomach and arm pits and exhale back to the start position of resting the ball on your shins.
With your shins stiff, slowly lower the ball away from your body with your legs. If you can do so WITHOUT your ribs flaring/lower back coming off the floor, then that just means you have great thoracic (upper back) spine mobility and good free moving shoulders.
Perform 3 sets at 6 to 8 reps. To increase difficulty use a heavier medicine ball and or slow the pace per rep.
2. Supine Med Ball Extension to Crunch and Foot Pass
This drill I can not express enough, IF DONE PROPERLY THIS WILL TORCH YOUR ABDOMEN. Also, this drill when performed properly should NOT hinder your lower back as it should be flush to the floor. Do your best to not allow your lower spine to leave the floor at any point in this drill, especially when moving the ball from your shins to transfer to hands and back past your head.
Think of this as a Dead Bug drill with “overhead” reach. Also note: You do NOT need to touch the floor with the ball. If you can WITHOUT your ribs flaring/lower back coming off the floor, then that just means you have great thoracic (upper back) spine mobility and good free moving shoulders.
Perform 3 sets at 6 to 8 reps. To increase difficulty use a heavier medicine ball and or slow the pace per rep.
3. Alternating Serratus Forearm Slide with Squat in TRX
When performing this drill, to make it easier, start walking forward as if you were performing a plank in the TRX at a high angle.
Hinge back into a squat motion and be sure to be on your toes/balls of your feet. Then, rise up from the squat and keeping your hips squared off, extend one arm at a time.
This drill is similar to a TRX Alternating Fallout, but just extending your arms from your forearm or low plank position.
Without twisting perform one arm at a time, reset your body and repeat.
Perform 3 sets of 8 to 10 per side.
We hope these quell your desires for a super strong and tight grouping of core muscles! Until next time SOAP BOX…out.