by Kerry Taylor
"On a scale of 1-10, how heavy was that? 1 being piece of cake, 10 being gut busting."
by Kerry Taylor
2024 will soon be coming to a close, and as that time nears there will be many that will start to shift their thinking on setting goals for 2025.
by Kerry Taylor
Whether you’re new to exercise and getting in shape or a vet in the game, you usually don’t hear walking at the top of the lists of things to do.
by Kerry Taylor
Unfortunately, summer is coming to a close. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! LOL. Which means school is coming back in session, and more than likely it affects all of us in varying degrees.
by Kerry Taylor
Some of you may have noticed your body has been trying hard to get back on course and stay consistent in your training and workouts. I know a lot of people out there say and think, “You own a gym, you can workout everyday, no problem.”
by Kerry Taylor
I have sat down with many people over the years of being a coach. All of them have many different goals that they are coming to the gym shooting for. Many want some level of weight loss and strength.
by Kerry Taylor
I had a sit down with a potential new 212er the other day. During our conversation I was asked, “should I workout everyday?” My short answer was no.
by Kerry Taylor
I have often spoken to clients about sleep. Sleep is a key cog in the machine of getting the results you are looking for. Whether it be losing weight, gaining weight, gaining strength, moving better, performing at your highest level or just thinking clearly, if your sleep is off and out of whack so will be the consistency in achieving the goals you desire.
Over the past week I was having a few moments of reflection as I was greeting some of our members that were coming through our doors at 212 to make themselves 1 degree better.
By Kerry Taylor
Hey Hey 212ers, I received a letter from Cupid that he wanted me to share with all of you as reminders on some things to do to make sure you keep yourself healthy and strong like he does.
by Kerry Taylor
Change…Change…..I sit here and reflect on the year as it comes to a close the word that pops in to my head is change. This year has been filled with many levels of change in my life. Changes in family, changes in relationships, changes in business, and changes in the way I see the world and people.
by Kerry Taylor
Not too long ago, towards the middle of a training session with a client, I was asked, ”Why do we train our glutes so much?” So I figured I would use this blog to briefly touch on why it’s important.
by Kerry Taylor
This topic has come up in recent conversations at the gym with clients and also at a recent certification I attended, so I figured I would share it to give you some things to think about. LONGEVITY!! The definition of longevity is, how long you live past the average.
by Kerry Taylor
Has this ever happened to you? You’re going along in your training, making great progress and being consistent getting to the gym, getting your workouts in, then “BOOM”, something goes wrong and you have some degree of an injury.
In my last blog, I discussed the importance of power training for all individuals. I wanted to follow up with this next entry to show some examples of what I mean.