by Kerry Taylor
2024 will soon be coming to a close, and as that time nears there will be many that will start to shift their thinking on setting goals for 2025. Some goals will be small and others pretty huge. Will we get there? Only time will tell. Goals are always great to have and to shoot for. Unfortunately, on the way to achieving some of the goals we set for ourselves, the path will not be linear as some may think. There will be peaks and valleys, twists and turns along the way. Why does this happen?
Some aspect of our lives will always eventually get in the way of what we may be shooting for.
The Steps are too Big
We think it may be easier sometimes to take huge steps, but sometimes that is why we have missteps along the way. Make smaller steps that will guarantee you will get there in time.
The Gameplan was all Wrong
The plan we implored to get to our goal was all wrong. Go back, analyze and adjust then go for it again.
When one of these alters our path and causes a distraction or detours us, some of us tend to not get back on track because of frustrations or pressure. I’m here to encourage you to just reset, restart and try again the next day. Not the next week, the longer we delay on getting back on track, the higher the chances are we will never get there. Get right back to it as soon as possible. Once you make progress one day, then let’s try to do the next day, and so on and so forth. String together a few days and it turns to weeks and we are off and running.
Whatever you’re shooting for, don’t give up even though the journey isn’t perfect. Stay the course and you will get there. Until next time, continue to live life one degree above the rest.