By Kerry Taylor
Change…Change…..I sit here and reflect on the year as it comes to a close and the word that pops in to my head is change. This year has been filled with many levels of change in my life. Changes in family, changes in relationships, changes in business, and changes in the way I see the world and people. Change can sometimes have a negative context to it as many things can, but none more than change. Why is that? Well because change forces us out of our comfort zones. Change creates moments of uneasiness of not knowing whats next. It’s like walking in to that dark room on Halloween at a haunted house and not knowing if someone is going to jump out at you or not. But change can also have an element or elements of positivity to it. Remember, Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. I don’t have to look very far to see some positive things that have happened around me from change.
Two people I care deeply about as friends but also teammates, Sean and Heather have had their worlds positively impacted by change. By the addition of blessings by way of little ones. Sean and Allison added a beautiful little girl to their family this year. Heather and John’s little girl is due to come any day now. As a father, I know the excitement the little ones bring. With that excitement comes so much change in our lives, adding the new title of parent to your resume can be overwhelming but the best title in the world to have.
Sean and Family
Business changes often happen at many levels. Over the last 14+ years, 212 has gone through its many different levels of changes itself. From members of our team, expansions of different capacities, offerings, programs, members and things that are often out of our control. Change hits you from all sides. Sometimes, it makes you take a step back and say, ”How the H E Double hockey sticks, did I get here.” Whether good or bad. And as my mother, close friends and mentors tend to remind me. You can’t control everything. I only have to sit back and think of the impact Covid had on us as a business, us personally, so many others and the world. Or let’s just look at this weeks current events. The bridge debacle!! UGH! Enough said!! But let’s speak of change for the positive, we’ve added 3 great people to our team at 212. If you haven’t had a chance to meet Kiara, Rob and Sean, make sure next time you’re in and see them say hello and welcome them to the family! They are all anxious to meet all of those that are a part of the 212 family!
New 212 Team Members
I look at my little ones and they have started some new adventures this year. Declan has taken up soccer. It is always fun to watch him do the different drills in between rolling around on the turf, spinning around in the net to make a cocoon or deciding the goal serves better to be a fort instead of a goal. LOL. Adrionna took up full year of competitive cheerleading!! The challenges have increased on the mat but I love seeing her personality start to shine and grow!! With so much expression and sass! LOL.
My mother unfortunately has had some health problems this year……………………….I won’t elaborate on that as I know most of you can fill in the blanks on what I may have to say. I get an uneasy feeling inside just thinking of this. I’m grateful things are getting back to normal. Love you ma!
And as for me, how have I changed? Well, when I truly sit back and think about it. I have become more vulnerable and open in all aspects of my life. As an athlete and a black male in this world and society, you are not taught to be open and vulnerable. But with time and age we all change how we perceive things.
As we ring in 2024, take time to reflect on your past year and remember to embrace changes that may be thrown your way. It’s not the first and surely won’t be the last change that has effected your life. Thank you all for being a part of the 212 family and going through some of these changes with us. Let’s all come together to make 2024 an amazing year! Remember to always live life one degree above the rest.