Just a short quick blog to start the year. I figured I would try to keep myself accountable to my own personal goals for the upcoming year. Yet as we enter year 2012, I cannot help but remember the hilarious skits from the Late Show with Conan O' Brien, "In the year 2000!" as I type this up.
But I digress...
I have often talked about goals and how they are important to have and be held accountable for. So I figure to share mine to have all of you to keep me accountable! Yes, you can yell at me too!
1. Write 30 blogs for www.212healthandperformance.com with in the year.- This is in effort to continually spread my "propaghandi" (peaceful soap box). I promise to keep my ancient alien theories to a dull roar.
2. Study 3 times a week for up to an hour each time to better myself and stay educated , thus making my bid for total world domination that much easier!
3. Read 5 new books in the year.O.K. , reading books, like full books, cover to cover without stopping in between to start reading another in the middle is tuff for me SO BACK OFF!I really do have a problem with the starting and stopping reading books right in mid book. I also tend to re-read books I have already read in the same time period of being in the middle of a new book. So I plan to fix this. It's apparent I can switch channels, bouncing from the Food Network to the History Channel with ease, yet admittedly I put down Dan John's "NEVER LET GO"
80 pages in to re-reading Maximum Strength, which I have read about 8 times.
4.Deadlift 500lbs (Trap/Hex Bar) and 450lbs (Straight Bar) -I have never really tried to go to my 1RM (one rep max for the layperson) until this past year. I have had help from some friends to push to get a higher number. 500 on a hex bar seems like a good even number as I was able to complete 2 reps at 450 with some degree of ease. Yet my arch nemesis is the straight bar. With small doses of practice of both I feel a more concerted effort is needed with a defined goal. This way I do not lose sight of whats important.
This year looks to be the most exciting and eventful of my life, as my wife is having our first child. So in a non fitness related goal...
5. Provide a safe world and comfortable income for my family. - NUFF SAID.
As we head into the new year, I stress you to challenge yourselves with something important and relative to you when you look at your goals and resolutions. Make yourselves accountable, use this forum as I have done here. Be specific to what you want. Don't just make some floppy "i wanna lose fifiteen pounds" and " stop eating bad stuff." kinda resolutions...be stern and specific on how you plan to do so. "Build your escape plan" - Bob Evans vis Brian Tracy. Figure out how to get yourself out of the proverbial mess you got yourself into. It's all problem solving, thats why we were given math problems through out school! lol