After a brief break from the gym and training to welcome my daughter into the world this past week, I have had little time to reflect. With everything going so fast I was fortunate enough to start to implement a nice new IFLIP camera- a toy some of my clients had graciously donated, so I could start to capture the amazing first moments of my first born's life. Little did they know, I already had planned to use the camera as a tool for reevaluation, corrective exercise, and training purposes.
The use of such tools really helps us pinpoint trouble areas that you may had not been aware of, as well as allowing us to reassess a client's development for progression. As Jay Z said..."it's all about progression." Video taping clients also allows us as coaches a second chance to possibly catch something that we did not see on our initial assessments. So, in short, when you see Kerry taping class, it isn't the end of the world if you are seen sweating, and we are definitely not using it for a blooper reel. That is reserved for the shenanigans Colin and myself procure.
As I mentioned, things have been a bit hairy and I haven't been able to keep up with the fitness industry as much as I usually like to as of late. If you were fortunate enough to see the pictures from last weekend's Perform Better Summit in Providence, where our own Head Trainer Colin Aina was helping spill some knowledge with some of the best coaches and trainers in the country, you probably should continue to pinch yourselves. Yes, we are that fortunate to have such a fine resource in our own backyard. I was able to catch up on some interesting studies of fascial release techniques that we will be covering in our next Foam Rolling Seminar over the summer. I wanted to leave you all with some "Deep Thoughts...," yes inspired from the Saturday Night Live skits.
So here is one I randomly had...
"I often hope that when I pass a farm on the side of the road, that I actually witness farmers utilizing kettlebells for farmer's walk. And hope someone would ask them with what they are doing holding those cannonball things with handles, and they would simply reply..."just warming up for work..."
What is cooler?...
Last week's video compilation from Ben Bruno of awesome things in fitness.
Or the trailer for Prometheus?
Ha! I vote both are pretty b.a. (bad a**)! Although... it didn't help that I happened upon watching Stephen Hawkings Grand Design show for 2 straight hours this past weekend, so I am a little biased. Heh, feeding my nerd cravings.
Next week I will revisit some old topics and bring you PART TWO of "Nothing New Under the Sun" blog.
Soap Box...OUT!