Reimagined Random Thankful Thoughts

by Sean St. Onge

With Thanksgiving coming up next week we are all wistful to the memories of yesteryear and reflect on what we have. I wanted to revisit this blog annually, but I felt I didn’t have much to change as I had been thoughtful and thankful for the same things in past years. Things change and so do I. I often talk about “Want, Need, and Have.”

What do we want in life or as an outcome of what we have started? What do we need to obtain in order to get the want? What do we have to do and which paths do we take to get there?

So as I reflect today, here are some random (of course) and thankful thoughts that have helped me to my want, need, and have.

I am thankful to my family…goes without saying, if not for them, any of them, at any point in time, I would not only not be here, but who I am today. 

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Thankful for what we have lost and loved… 


I am randomly thankful for… Adam Sandler’s “Thanksgiving Song.”

I am thankful for Fitness Family…

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I am randomly thankful for…The Ultimate Warrior and, of course, the Gobbly Gooker. 

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I am thankful for Richard Simmons, for his energy was so great he landed himself on Star Trek.


I am thankful for those whom I can call mentors.

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I am randomly thankful for the Walking Dead , Star Wars, and Food Network, without these I could never plot how to cook in a zombie apocalypse and dream of a galaxy far, far, away. 

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I am thankful for all those times I catch up with friends and see live music.

I am thankful for all the great people I have encountered, worked with, served at every job ever. Positive or negative, all those times and experiences were needed, heeded, and taken with a grain of salt.

 I am thankful to my “Wrestling Family” for countless amazing road lessons and memories that hopefully will not be jarred from my head anymore since I stopped wrestling. 

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I am randomly thankful for…the music I have come to learn and love. Without the journeys those artists took to create and share to the world I could not assimilate, cope, learn, or experience anything.

I am thankful for the influences of Richard Cunningham, Alton Brown, Emily Morgan, Scott O’Brien, Mitch Hedberg, Carl Sagan, Jello Biafra, Bob Evans, Kerry Taylor, Brian Wilson, Tim Murray, John Casey, Heather Peckham,  Henry Rollins, Mike Hudak, Fred Koury, Chris Tarbox, Pat Quirk,Jay Melton, Joshua Chamberlain, Nick Esasky, Ben Grimes, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Ray Bradbury, Nick Rabar,  Michael Shaara, John Belushi , Chris Dade, Brian Kerzner, and Kurt Cobain. To name a random few. 

I am thankful to my “gym families” aka YOU , my clients and friends whom not only put food on my table and feed my family, but give invaluable lessons daily in a setting where I am to be teaching you, you have taught me.

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I am thankful for the most important and amazing thing I have ever been a part of or helped create, she teaches me something amazing every day. 



The intention of this blog was to give thanks in so many words to those whom have effected and helped me, yet most of all  to be mindful of where we were and where we came from. Yet always grateful for the times and experiences with the thankful few.