Take Advantage of the Sun

by Kerry Taylor

Ahhhh yes!!  It’s finally that time of the year again where the sun shines bright and long.  Which means more time in the sun, which means an increase in vitamin D.  Living in the northeast, where the seasons are always changing, we need to take advantage of getting in the sun and soaking up the golden rays before the winter returns!!

Here are some activities you can add in to your current workout routine to help get you some more vitamin D.  

Kayaking and Canoeing

Grab your preferred mode of water transportation, find a lake or river and go on a nice journey for an hour or two.  Even better, grab a friend and go on a tandem ride.


Biking and Running

What’s better than getting on a bike or throwing on your kicks and going for a ride or run?  There are plenty of paths to choose from.  Ditch the car for a day and use your bike to travel to and from work. During your lunch break head outside and go for a quick 10 minute jog or walk, it will charge you up for the rest of your day.


Surfing or Paddle Boarding

These are great board activities that incorporate a lot of balance, core and a full body challenge. It is fun as AF.

paddle boarding.jpg

Beach Volleyball and Ultimate Frisbee

Agility and hand eye coordination is the name of the game here.  You want to engage in some fun and friendly competition, here is your answer. 

Take advantage of the sun and experiment with some of these activities.  Get a little uncomfortable if they’re not your thing, you just may like them.  Until next time, continue to live a  life one degree above the rest.