reflections after the first five weeks- posted by Sarah Hunt

Greetings all, SHH here. Today I signed up for a whole six months of training/punishment with 212, and before jumping into that abyss, I want to take a minute to write down my reflections on my experience for the past couple of weeks.

SHH on the five week introductory phase

Committing to five weeks with 212 was easy. I mean really... it's only five weeks. Even for us commitment-phobes, it's not too bad since the end is in sight right from the start. Yet I can hardly believe that it only takes five weeks to start feeling a change in my body. My energy has skyrocketed and I can even fit into a once button-popping tight pair of work pants. Could I actually be losing inches

In the year....2000....12- posted by Sean St. Onge

Just a short quick blog to start the year. I figured I would try to keep myself accountable to my own personal goals for the upcoming year. Yet as we enter year 2012, I cannot help but remember the hilarious skits from the Late Show with Conan O' Brien, "In the year 2000!" as I type this up.

 But I digress...

I have often talked about goals and how they are important to have and be held accountable for. So I figure to share mine to have all of you to keep me accountable! Yes, you can yell at me too!

1. Write 30 blogs for  with in the year.- This is in effort to continually spread my "propaghandi" (peaceful soap box). I promise to keep my ancient alien theories to a dull roar.

S.M.A.R.T Consistency- posted by Sean St. Onge

Having the fortune of holding three different jobs, (although it is well known that I feel my occupation is predominantly being a trainer/coach) I encounter many similarities. You can surmise that being a bartender, trainer/coach, and direct support professional you would run into similar "problems." Personal attention is the name of the game for all three of the jobs . Should my "service" suffer, my clients, and patrons suffer. Also their goals and aspirations suffer. Yet consistency and procrastination in all three fields seem to arise all too often.  In reference to training though, everyone deals with bouts of procrastination. Just short of Jillian Michaels style, yelling/screaming training, I prefer dig a little deeper and find the source of what is impeding any and all progress to one's goals.

Goal setting is something that seems to be lost on many, or it is seen as just another cliche. Maybe the root of many of our procrastinations is poor fundamental planning and goal setting. We all strive to be