6 Core Exercises You're Not Doing

6 Core Exercises You're Not Doing

by Kerry Taylor

There are a million and one articles out there about your core and core training. I’m not going to sit here and try to promise you a visible 6 - pack or tout that here is the secret to a slim midsection if you do these 6 core exercises, as most people would like to hear.

Unseen Benefits of Training

Unseen Benefits of Training

by Kerry Taylor

I was having another conversation with a parent about not wanting their child to do football or any other physical sport because it is dangerous and they don’t want them to get hurt. Truth be told every sport has been proven to have a level of danger given to it.

Are You Back Yet

Are You Back Yet

by Kerry Taylor

Every couple of days, I seem to have a conversation with someone about wanting to get back in to the gym but just aren’t sure about it for many reasons. If you are like them, this pandemic has messed up your rhythm in life.