Dave Larsen

When Kerry notified me I was selected as a member spotlight, I was quite surprised. Why choose someone so extraordinarily ordinary? Perhaps to make others feel good about themselves? Often, I marvel at some of the spotlight members’ accomplishments and successes. No, I have not climbed Mount Everest. No, I have not started a business from the ground up. And no, I have not won worldwide weight-lifting competitions. Although I try to fly fairly low on the radar, I am sure you have noticed my rugged good looks and effervescent charisma. As we begin the new year, and a new decade for that matter, I think it is important to thoughtfully consider our past, evaluate our present initiatives, and set new goals for the future.

Now, a bit about my background. I worked in the liquor industry for over twenty years and finally retired at the ripe age of forty-two. I then worked part-time as a taxi driver, nurse, chef, personal shopper, life coach, tutor, carpenter, electrician, plumber, general contractor, landscaper, auto detailer, house cleaner, and homeroom parent: all with tremendous success. I was your 21st century Renaissance man. After our full-time babysitter had to resign, I got called up from the minors. If you haven’t guessed by now, I am a stay at home dad and arm candy for my beautiful and successful wife.

It was quite an adjustment going from a work position where I had control to a position in which my kids controlled a lot. My schedule was always filled to the brim with endless trips to the pediatrician with minor illnesses, music lessons, math homework, playdates, and the ordinary drudgery of being a parent of young children. However, with my schedule at the hands of my children, who only became busier with age, I found myself less inclined to take time for myself and work out. I was quite athletic in my youth, and I would like to believe I was a reasonably decent basketball player. I even became an avid racquetball player, which hints at the fact that I am far from the youngest member of 212.

I was introduced to Kerry thirteen years ago through my wonderful wife, Diane. She enthusiastically endorsed Kerry after a few weeks of training with him. Perhaps she just wanted to share the pain! After a thorough evaluation of my fitness level, Kerry implemented a plan. My goals were and are pretty simple: weight control, strengthening my core and auxiliary muscles, and improving my balance and mobility as I age. So like I said, I am extraordinarily ordinary. No training for a marathon, powerlifting competition, or recovery from an injury. As I said, I really do marvel at other member accomplishments.

As I look at the present, maybe it’s time, to be honest with myself. Have I become complacent? Do I need to raise my game one degree? Set some new goals? The start of a New Year is a time for resolutions. Maybe we all need to ask ourselves: should we make an effort to squeeze in one more workout? Stay a bit later to do some extra sets of exercises? Say no to a snack or dessert? We all have different goals for our personal health and fitness. And we are all fortunate to have the support of 212. So as we start this new decade, let’s raise our game one degree and make the team at 212 proud.

As for the future, let’s try to make it brighter. Let’s introduce a friend or family member to the welcoming light of 212. Let’s share this community with others and let it warm their lives the way that it has ours. I know we all know how great this community of individuals is. So let’s not be selfish and keep it to ourselves, right? At 212, there’s always room for new members. Room for additions to this fitness family we’ve created. Let us show our appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the 212 team by making them work harder, After all, they’re always asking us to work harder. Let us congratulate ourselves on being members of such a great gym and family at 212. And let us share that feeling of gratitude with others.

Luckily, I was chosen for the January spotlight. I hope my story has been charmingly ordinary. But at the same time, I hope it’s empowering. This extraordinarily ordinary guy has taken his health into his own hands and has been able to achieve his goals through the help of Kerry and the 212 community. January is a typical marker to look back, look at the present, and look towards the future. Let’s look back and give praise to the incredible team Kerry has assembled.

Although I was surprised and a bit nervous about writing this spotlight, it’s hard to say no to Kerry after everything he’s done for my family and friends. Face it, we are all blessed to have him and the whole 212 team in our lives.

Happy New Year,
