Kristin Grimes

Well, you all are probably wondering, “who is this chick?” “Does she even go to our gym?” I wouldn’t be at all surprised to hear this, as life has a way of keeping me from a regular commute to Rumford. But if it wasn’t for 212, I wouldn’t be doing half the things I can do now. Looking back, I started going in the Punch days after my husband took a workshop with Sean at Hasbro. I remember feeling as sore as I had ever been after that first kettlebell session. It was, of course, a completely different workout than I was used to, and I loved it. I found the trainer-led classes inspiring and so much more effective than exercising on my own. I started to get stronger and fitter and I noticed that 212 started to become more than a gym-it is a community, a stress reliever, my allotted free time (once kids came along!), a place with a ton of awesome people and some of my very good friends.

I have been a member for nearly 9 years. It’s with a degree of pride when I talk about 212, the trainers and the staff. They are amazing and go above and beyond. I appreciate so much when I request an at home workout-never a question or try to make me feel guilty, just go get at it at home. I since have had 2 boys and own a small business. Life has become very busy and I find I must self-motivate when I can’t make it to the gym (did I mention we live in Cumberland? That is not close to 212!)  So, I improvise-I spin, I run, I take karate with my boys. Would I be running 5Ks without 212? Would I be a black belt? Climbing in the Whites?  I highly doubt it.

212 has really changed me for the better. After I had Henry, my second and crazier boy, I was not feeling good. Overweight, constantly fatigued and dizzy, frequent headaches. Along came the JEANS CHALLENGE (insert echo sound effects and sparkly lights!) This was the turning point. Learning about food, when and what to eat and why. It was a revelation! October 2014 was the month I got healthy. I will forever be grateful to Alicia and 212. 5 years later and I am still 2 jeans sizes down with room to spare.

So that’s me: doctor, mom, wife, black belt, athlete, friend and member of 212. And now, the next time you see me in Studio A (umm, pencil me in for mid-January), you won’t think “oh, she must be new.” Keep turning it up 1 degree friends, you know I will.